Beyond France are based in Gloucestershire and run by a mother and daughter team, Maud and Olivia Lomberg. They will be exhibiting at Salvo Fair in June for the second time and bringing more of their vintage Hungarian linen.
They will also be bringing along decorative barn stars made by the Amish communities of Pennsylvania. The metal and wooden stars are created using recycled old tin and wooden roofing. The stars vary in size from 23cm to 110cm and cost from £23 upwards.
According to The Artistic Gardener, the barn star originated approximately 300 years ago with religious refugees (which included Amish and Mennonites who are commonly referred to as Pennsylvania Dutch). They started by painting geometric symbols such as the hex sign and have evolved into multi-dimensional stars. Originally they were painted directly onto barns, but since the 1970's, craftspeople have begun using roofing materials to make them. After 1990 thin sheets of steel started being used. Unfinished ones tend to rust and have become popular as decoration. The barn star was referred to as a symbol of good luck to farmers and each colour has a significance.
The Amish communities in America abide strictly by the word of the bible and try to live as their 16th century ancestors did in Europe. They do not use cars and modern technology and embrace old fashioned crafts such as blacksmithing, quilt making, carpentry and joinery.
- Artsitic Gardener website: More info on barn stars
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